Starting Gardening Year 2010

Sunday, 21 February 2010

The new gardening year has finally started today, though there is still no hope of good weather in the next 3 to 4 weeks, the average temperature is still below zero and night temperature are hitting as l0w as -10 degrees . Besides all these odds, the I sowed following seeds today

  1. Jalapeno Early
  2. Jalapeno Tam
  3. Black from Tula
  4. Hungarian Black
  5. Satan Kiss
  6. Calabrese
  1. Ildi
  2. Gartenperle
  3. Krim Black
  4. Sub Artic Plenty
  5. Yellow Pear Shaped
  6. Cour di Bue
  1. Sweet Corn
  2. Double Colour (white and yellow)
  3. Tuxedo